Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week on the lake

So, on the way home from Wisconsin / visiting Grafs I stopped for a week or so at VanderWende's condo on Lake Charlevoix. It was a great weekend of being on the water, relaxing and hanging out. I got to surf behind the boat again, and play a lot with V's new, six week old grandson who was there for the week with his parents. It was great! Also got to sail a few times, so much fun. Now I am back in Midland for a while, enjoying seeing friends again.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Visiting the Grafs

On the way home I swung over to visit the Grafs from my DTS. They live in Apple Valley, MN which is near St. Paul. It was so great to see them it had been about 6 months since I had last seen them. I was able to see the house they live in now and the house they are moving to in a couple of weeks. I also went to church with them Saturday night and then Sunday to the church that they are doing childrens ministry at. On Sunday at church I was also able to send about an hour reconnecting with Levi and Kelly from my DTS too. Then Sunday afternoon we all went to the zoo, saw the animals, and flowers. Then Monday Carissa (12) and I went to the Mall of America. Then Tuesday morning I headed almost home. I drove about 11 hours and made it all the way to VanderWende's condo on Lake Charlevoix to spend the fourth of July weekend.


On Friday we Graduated! We had a nice fancy dinner, then each of us talked a little bit about what we learned or how we changed. And then they gave us our certificates and prayed for us and we were free! It was a bittersweet night. It was good to be done and good to be heading home. But, it was really hard to say goodbye to all the people here, especially the students. We became really close and will really miss each other. I love you guys!!

Wed - Lake Day

So on Wed we got to have a fun day. We borrowed a ski boat from a nearby bible camp and played on the beach, in the boat, and had a picnic. We had a great time skiing and tubing. And ended up a nice, happy tomato red.

Tues. Pie Night

So, on Tuesday the 24th the SBF class had a pie night. All of the staff and all the students got one pie each. We all stood in a line and in order we each said who we were going to pie and why. Many of the students chose Tom, our director of the school, so instead of following the trend, I decided to pie Zach. He was in charge of giving us quizzes and leading discussions of one of the books we had to read, Church History in Plain Language. It was early in the morning when we had to do that and we all really didn't like it. So, he got pied for it. Then after all the pies were thrown we took all the random leftover chunks and smeared it on each other.